Nurul lita, zulfikar zulfikar


Development is a conscious effort made by a nation towards change in a more positive direction. In an effort to improve gampong development, the gampong government, in this case the Keuchik, must play an active role in the success of development. Without the support and participation of the community, it is impossible for development to be carried out as expected, as well as the development carried out in Gampong Raya, Trienggadeng District, Pidie Jaya Regency, it is hoped that support and assistance from all parties so that development can proceed as planned, Research objectives is to find out the performance of Keuchik Gampong Raya in carrying out its functions and role in development and the obstacles encountered in carrying out development in Gampon Raya, Trienggadeng District, Pidie Regency

This research uses a descriptive method. To obtain data, field research was also carried out using library research. All data obtained were processed and analyzed using qualitative methods. From the results of the study it was found that the Kechik Gampong Raya, Trienggadeng District, Pidie Jaya Regency had not been fully successful in carrying out his functions and role in development. Obstacles encountered include the Gampong Raya Community, Trienggadeng District, Pidie Jaya Regency, lack of care and lack of understanding about development both in terms of physical development and mental-spiritual development carried out in the gampong, lack of counseling provided by gampong government officials to the community regarding gampong development, It is suggested that development can be carried out as it should, the Gampong Raya Government needs to increase community participation in development so that the community cares more about and understands the meaning of the development that has been and will be carried out in the village, it is suggested that in every meeting held in the village it is necessary to mention development so that the community care more and participate in every gampong development program so that they will jointly develop the gampong.

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