Cut Italina, Herizal, Sari


This study purpose to determine "The Effect of Job Descriptions, Work Supervision and Initiatives on Employee Work Commitment at the Pidie District Education Office". Where the independent variables are Job Description (X1), Work Supervision (X2) and Initiatives (X3), and Work Commitment (Y) as the dependent variable. The population in this study were employees who worked at the Pidie District Education Office, which numbered 98 employees. The entire population in this study was taken as a sample using the Convenience Sampling technique. Data were collected using a survey method through a questionnaire filled out by respondents. Then the data obtained were analysed using multiple regression analysis. This analysis includes Validity Test, Reliability Test, Multiple Regression Analysis, Classical Assumption Test, Hypothesis Test through F Test and t Test, and Analysis of the Coefficient of Determination (R2). Based on the research results, the regression equation is obtained: Y = 1.980 + 0, 307 X1 + 0.242 X2 + 0.417 X3. Based on the results of the analysis above, it can be concluded that of the three variables studied, it turns out that the Initiative variable (X3) has the most dominant influence of 41.7% on work commitment (Y) at the Pidie Regency Education Office. The influence between the dependent and independent variables, namely the respective variables Job description (X1), work supervision (X2) and Initiative (X3) on work commitment (Y) at the Pidie District Education Office with a correlation index of 92.2% This means that the relationship very strong. Then the determination index for each Job description (X1), Work Supervision (X2) and Initiative (X3) is 85%, this means that it has a significant effect on work commitment (Y) at the Pidie Regency Education Office, which is 15% which is influenced by variables others who were not examined in this study.


Keywords: Job Description, Work Supervision, Initiative, Work Commitment

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