Muhammad Ikhsan, Zulfikar zulfikar, awaluddin awaluddin



This research was conducted at the Puskesmas Meureudu District, Pidie Jaya Regency. This study aims to see how the level of community satisfaction of the services provided. Maintaining health is an important thing, therefore health is a basic need for the entire community. Where everyone wants to live a healthy life because health is considered expensive for all humans. One of the important things that must be seen in health is public satisfaction with access to services in health places. Community satisfaction is the level of satisfaction, happiness, comfort with the conditions, services they receive from an organization or other entity. Community satisfaction at the Meureudu Health Center, Pidie Jaya Regency can be assessed from the results of research that has been conducted by the author. Community satisfaction is very important, especially in the health section in order to make people prefer to check or check their health in order to become a healthy society. The method taken in this study is a qualitative descriptive approach, with data collection, interview, observation and documentation techniques. The author concludes that there are no complaints submitted by patients regarding employees/nurses, where employees/nurses diligently serve the community, are patient in serving the community, are sincere in providing services, are fair, without discriminating, and are open in providing services. And there are no complaints submitted by patients about the lack of access to existing services because they are adequate, such as complete medical equipment, expert doctors, good buildings and transportation such as ambulances.

Keywords : Health Services, Access to Services, Community Satisfaction


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