Fahrizal M.Pd, Zulkifli Zulkifli


Indonesia is an archipelagic country that has many historical sites spread throughout Indonesia, historical sites are places where archaeological remains were found in ancient times, in Indonesia especially in Aceh there are also many historical sites found, these relics have high historical value and should be preserved, Puteri Sani is the first consort of Sultan Iskandar muda, she is a woman of Bugis descent and daughter of Daeng Mansur. The purpose of this research is to find out who the figure of Putroe Tsani is and what is the condition of the tomb. Data collection techniques were carried out by means of direct observation, interviews with local communities and documentation. The results of this study are that Princess Sani was a teenager who was liked by Sultan Iskandar Muda when Sultan Iskandar Muda moved to Reubee and she was married by Sultan Iskandar Muda when he was 16 years old. the condition of Princess Sani's tomb is not worthy of being said to be the tomb of Empress Maharaja Meukuta Alam, because the lack of attention from the local community and the government has resulted in the tomb being simply abandoned, and many of the tombstones have been broken.

 Keywords: puteri Sani,; empress; Daeng Mansur; tomb

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