Saiful anwar, Anwar Anwar, Rozaili Rozaili


Implementation of development is the utilization of data and information in accordance with the needs of the population and local conditions. This is important considering the conditions between regions are very different. varied, in addition to that the data on the results of population registration in the form of population statistics and reports is a very valuable national asset because it can be utilized by all parties both for the benefit of public services and development planning with a population perspective. the problem can be formulated as follows: To what extent have efforts to improve community services been carried out by the Population and Civil Registration Office of Pidie Regency? And what obstacles were encountered so that community services carried out by the Pidie Regency Population and Civil Registration Service were not carried out as they should? then what efforts have been made to overcome various obstacles in improving community services at the Population and Civil Registration Office of Pidie Regency?

The research was conducted to obtain concrete data and information as material for compiling a Scientific Work, so the authors used a qualitative descriptive method. The results of community service research at the Pidie Regency Population and Civil Registration Office have not been carried out as they should, this is because several factors have become obstacles /obstacles in its implementation and several factors that become obstacles in its implementation, among others, the limited number of employees in charge of providing services to the community, and some people still pay little attention to matters related to population issues. It is suggested that the Pidie Regency Population and Civil Registration Office can add personnel/staff according to needs, because the existing staff are inadequate, especially in areas that are lacking in staff so that the services provided to the community can be carried out as expected and it is suggested that the Population Service and Civil Registry of Pidie Regency more often provide socialization to the public about the importance of implementing population administration both in relation to making birth certificates, making ID Cards (KTP), making Family Cards (KK) and other matters relating to population, because data Residents are very important and much needed both for village administrative purposes and for various other government interests in the population sector.

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