sheila vania, rozaili rozaili, zulkifli zulkifli


This research is entitled The Role of the Indonesian Red Cross in the Context of Saving Human Souls Through Blood Donations in Pidie District. The Indonesian Red Cross (PMI), which we know as a social humanitarian organization, is also required to be able to provide satisfactory services. This is especially true for blood transfusion services because the Indonesian Red Cross is the only organization that has the authority to provide blood transfusion services according to government regulations. With the formulation of the main problem, namely "What is the Role of the Indonesian Red Cross in the Context of Saving Human Souls Through Blood Donations in Pidie District". Which aims to find out how the Indonesian Red Cross in Pidie Regency is able to play a good role in organizing blood donation efforts to save human lives. The collection of data used in this study is a qualitative descriptive method. The results of interviews with Indonesian Red Cross staff said that basically the role of the Indonesian Red Cross is to help the community in the social and humanitarian field, such as services carried out at the PMI Office of Pidie Regency, which are carried out transparently from start to finish, from the initial procedure of requesting blood to its delivery to the patient's family. From the explanation, it can be concluded that the Indonesian Red Cross in Pidie Regency has a role in carrying out blood donor service activities to help patients or sick people who really need blood. Therefore, there needs to be cooperation from the community so that a society that is humane, just and civilized is created.

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