wan asyraf khuzaimi, zulfikar zulfikar


Pidie Jaya Regional General Hospital is a hospital that serves the community which includes Emergency Department Services, Nutrition Services, Polyclinic Services, Midwifery Services and others. All these tasks have not been carried out as they should be because there are various inhibiting factors. The purpose of the study was to find out the extent of the Askes administrative service system at the Pidie Jaya Regional General Hospital and what obstacles were encountered. This research was conducted at the Pidie Jaya Regional General Hospital, Pidie Jaya Regency. Writing this thesis uses a descriptive method, to obtain data it is necessary to conduct field research and literature research all the data obtained are processed and analyzed using a qualitative approach.From the results of the study, it is known that the Pidie Jaya Regional General Hospital has not been fully successful in the process of Askes services at the Polyclinicl The obstacles encountered include the card collection service system is still centralized, so patients have to wait a long time to get a treatment card, some patients still do not understand how the outpatient service system at Pidie Jaya Hospital It is recommended that the Pidie Jaya Regional General Hospital can open a card counter for each field of care such as pediatric patients taking cards at the pediatric poly service place, nerve patients can take cards at the place of nerve poly services for others and it is recommended that  so that patients who are going for treatment should pay attention in advance to the conditions that must be met for road treatment at the Pidie Jaya Regional General Hospital, so that they do not have to go back and forth to complete the conditions for treatment.

Keywords : Askes Administrative Services

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