edi gunawan, zulfikar zulfikar


Aceh is one of the regions in Indonesia which has high agricultural yields. The enactment of Law no. 6 of 2014 concerning villages is the beginning of a village to determine its roles and authorities. With this law, it is hoped that the village government can build the economy of the village community towards an independent village. Village Assistant is a position under the Ministry of Villages, Development of Disadvantaged Regions and Indonesian Transmigration whose formation is based on the Village Law and is tasked with increasing community empowerment in a village.

The formation of Village Assistance has the aim of accelerating village development so that the welfare of rural communities can be realized. The need for community development to increase community awareness and participation in participatory village development for village progress. The existence of village assistance is expected to create participatory development from the village government and the community.This research uses a descriptive method. To obtain data, field research was also carried out using library research. All data obtained were processed and analyzed using qualitative methods. From the results of the study it was found that Peunadok Gampong Facilitators, Tiro/Truseb District, Pidie Regency were not fully effective in carrying out their duties towards community empowerment.


Keywords: Performance, Gampong Facilitator, Community Empowerment

Teks Lengkap:



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