Ulfa Dewi, Sri Handayani, Jamilah Jamilah


This study aims to determine the effectiveness of the application of good-plant nutrients and rice washing water waste on the growth and yield of hydroponic pakcoy (Brassica rapa L.) plants. This research was carried out at the Half Shadow House made in the experimental garden of the Faculty of Agriculture, Jabal Ghafur Sigli University, starting on April 30 until the end of May 27, 2021. This study used a completely randomized design (CRD) with a factorial pattern consisting of two factors, namely the concentration factor of Good Plant Nutrition. and factor of Rice Wash Water Waste. The Good plant Nutrient concentration factor consists of 600 ppm (N1), 800 ppm (N2), 1000 ppm (N3) and the Rice Wash Water Waste Factor consists of 500 ml with 500 ml water (L1), 700 ml with 300 ml water (L2 ) and 900 ml with 100 ml of water (L3). Each treatment was repeated 3 times, so there were 9 treatment combinations and 27 experimental units. Parameters observed were plant height, number of leaves, weight of wet stover, Initial pH of water and final pH of water. The results showed that good plant nutrition had a significant effect on the number of leaves aged 20 DAP, no significant effect on plant height, number of leaves aged 10 and 30 DAP, weight of wet stove, initial pH of water and final pH of water. Rice washing water waste had no significant effect on plant height, number of leaves, weight of wet stove, initial pH of water and final pH of water. There was no significant interaction between good plant nutrition and rice washing water waste on plant height, number of leaves, weight of wet stove, initial pH of water and final pH of water.

Keywords: good plant nutrition, rice and pakcoy washing water waste


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