Collaborative Leadership in Quality Educational Services

Safrijal Safrijal, Basri Basri, Ayu Putri


The quality of education can be seen from two things, namely referring to the educational process and educational outcomes. The education process is of quality if all components of education are involved in the process itself, while the quality of education in the context of outcomes refers to the achievements of the school at any given time. This study aims to reveal collaborative leadership in quality education services. In the discussion using a descriptive qualitative approach, the theoretical approach that the author uses in this research is to read and analyze books that are relevant to the title of this thesis. Meanwhile, the author's empirical approach uses the methods of observation, interviews, and documentation studies. To describe the findings of the research and analyze the data obtained, the author uses qualitative descriptive with steps to reduce data, present data, and draw conclusions. The results of the study reveal, among others: Educational services or school services are the school's efforts in meeting the needs of students to develop their personality potential. The quality of education services in schools is the extent to which schools can demonstrate the availability, completeness, feasibility of school facilities and infrastructure, teaching staff and education staff, the reliability of educators, responsiveness of educational staff in carrying out services, certainty in services, and empathy in educational services in schools. Collaborative leadership is the ability to influence others to work together to achieve mutually beneficial collective goals.

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