Student’s Attitudes Towards Mathematics Learning Using A Contextual Approach

Muhsin Muhsin, Zulfa Razi, Sukarman Purba, Arif Rahman, Ririna Ridara


Contextual learning approach is a learning approach that links the material taught to real-world situations known to students and encourages students to make connections between the knowledge that students have and its application in everyday life. Because the learning process begins with the provision of problems in everyday life, it is expected that students will be accustomed to analyzing, applying and relating a concept. This study aims to see students' responses to mathematics learning and student responses to mathematics learning through a contextual approach. The research method used is quantitative descriptive research. The research method used is quantitative descriptive research, sampling techniques using purposive sampling, the research sample is class X1 students with a total of 30 student’s, while the research variables are student attitudes towards mathematics learning and student attitudes towards mathematics learning through contextual learning. Data collection techniques using questionnaires with likert scales and data analysis using percentages. The results showed that the indicator of favourability towards mathematics lessons as a whole percentage of 91.7% compared to the percentage of neutral scores of 8.33%, meaning that students showed a positive response to mathematics learning. Likewise, students' response to mathematics learning through a contextual approach is 91% compared to the neutral score percentage of 9%, then students have a positive response to mathematics learning through a contextual approach.

Keywords: Contextual Learning Approaches, Mathematics Learning, Student Responses

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