Boihaki, Busra


This research was conducted to determine the factors that influence the performance of the staff of the Pidie Jaya District Education Office by examining individual characteristics and work environment variables. This study used a sample of 84 employees with a total sampling method. The data analysis tool used is SPSS version 21 with the multiple linear regression method. Based on the results of the regression calculations on the SPSS output section, it can be formulated as follows: Y = 1.104 + 0.646 X1 + 0.278X2. From the results of the multiple linear regression test above, it can be seen that the constant value is 1.104, meaning that if the individual characteristic variables and work environment are considered constant or constant, it will improve the performance of the Pidie Jaya Regency Education Office employees by 1.104. The positive and significant regression coefficient value is 0.646. This means that every 1% increase in the value of individual characteristics will increase employee performance by 0.646. So the better the individual characteristics of the Pidie Jaya District Education Office employees, the better the employee's performance. The test results for the work environment variable obtained a positive and significant regression coefficient value of 0.278. This means that any increase in the value of the work environment by 1%, it will increase employee performance by 0.278%. So the better the work environment at the Pidie Jaya District Education Office, the more employee performance will be. From the results of hypothesis testing simultaneously or as a whole, it is known that the value of individual characteristics and the work environment has a simultaneous or joint influence on the performance of the Pidie Jaya Regency Education Office staff. The results of the study on the effect of individual characteristics obtained t-count 8,683 greater than t-table 1,663 with a probability of 0.00 less than 0.05, it means that individual characteristics have a partial and significant influence on the performance of the employees of the Pidie Jaya Regency Education Office. The results of the study on the influence of the work environment obtained a t-count value of 3.894 greater than t table of 1.663 with a probability of 0.00 less than 0.05, it means that the work environment has a partial and significant influence on the performance of the employees of the Pidie Jaya Regency Education Office. From the two variables studied, it is known that individual characteristics play the most dominant role in employee performance at the Pidie Jaya Regency Education Office.

Keywords: Individual Characteristics, Work Environment and Performance

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