This research is a literature study with a descriptive qualitative research type with a literature review that seeks to describe the role of educational innovation in digital technology-based learning. In this research, the author uses several written sources such as articles, journals, and documents that are relevant to using the studies in this research. This literature study focuses on the role of educational innovation. The study results show that innovation is a process of renewal and change. The world of education needs innovation to continue to grow and be able to keep up with the development of other fields. The use of technology has both positive and negative impacts. The impact can be focused on the positive and minimize the negative impact if there is good cooperation from various parties so that the use of technology according to its purpose. The role of educational innovation in technology-based learning. The role of educational innovation in digital technology-based learning is very important. Innovation is needed so that the utilization of digital technology can be done optimally and thoroughly. It is hoped that all elements of society can support and collaborate to optimize various educational innovations based on digital technology. The presence of technology today is expected to be well utilized by all parties such as teachers and other education actors.
Keyword: learning innovation, technology-based learning
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