An Analysis of Teachers’ Strategies in Teaching Reading Comprehension

Putri Ramadhan


This research aims to find out the dominant strategies used by English teachers in teaching  reading comprehension  and to know  the students’ perception towards their English teachers’ strategies in teaching reading comprehension. This research  was a descriptive qualitative  research. The researcher used purposive  sampling  to determine the sample. In collecting the data, the researcher used  two instruments which were interview guide and questionnaire. The interview was distributed to the two English teachers at SMAN 2 Delima, then the questionnaire was distributed to 21 students of the MIPA 1 third-year students of  SMAN 2 Delima. The data were analyzed by using Miles and  Huberman (interactive analytical  model). The findings of this research shows that the first teacher used three strategies in teaching  reading  comprehention; (1) Reciprocal Teaching, (2) Think a lot, and (3) Question Answer Relationship (QAR). While the second teacher used two strategies; (1) Reciprocal Teaching and  (2) Question Answer Relationship (QAR). The students had positive perceptions on the teachers’ strategies in teaching. The strategies assisted students to understand material easier, they can convey the opinions while learning reading comprehension, got the new ideas  and the students can inure themselves to practice comunicating in English. And finally, it concluded that the students have positive feedback on the used of those strategies in learning reading comprehension.


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