Mustakim Sagita Jamaliah


The aimed of this research is to find out does the use of free writing technique improve students’ writing skill or not. The research conducted at SMPN 1 Kembang Tanjong with experimental research design. The population was all of the eighth grade students with the total number of students were 106. The sample was class VIII 1 as experimental class and VIII 2 as control class. The instrument used in pre-test and post-test was a set of written test. Rubric scoring system by Heaton used to analyze the students writing score and independent T-test used to analyze the data. The result of data analysis showed that in pre-test the students at experimental class got mean score 53,5 while at control class got 52,10. In post-test, the students at experimental class who taught writing by using free writing technique got a mean score 78,08 and at control class students who was not got the treatment as in experimental class only got a mean score 57,70. The result of independent T-test, at pretest t-count ? t-table (0,154 ? 1,685) and P-value ? level of significance (0,879 ? 0,05) it means there were no significantly differences between experimental class and control class at pre-test and at posttest t-count ? t-table (3.845 ? 1,685) and P-value ? level of significance (0,00 ? 0,05) it means teaching writing by using free writing technique improve significantly the students writing skill. So, the hypothesis was accepted.

Key Words: Writing, Free Writing, Descriptive Text

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ISSN : p2615-3688 & e2716-0270

Jurnal Sosial Humaniora Sigli indexed by: