Zahara Fonna, Halimah halimah, Ricky Muliawan Hansyar


The existence of PT. Jasa Raharja in distributing Jasa Raharja Insurance compensation to victims/heirs of road accident victims is very important and has a strategic position and problems related to traffic accident victims, but in its implementation the provisions of these rules cannot be said to be effective, this is the same as the implementation of health insurance victims of traffic accidents at the Tgk Chik Ditiro Hospital. This research was conducted because many cases of traffic accidents that were treated at the Tgk Chik Ditiro Hospital did not immediately get health insurance using BPJS, but had to go through various procedures through the traffic police officers until there was a certain certificate, so that the Saharja services could provide health insurance. traffic accident. The results of this study indicate that PT. Jasa Raharja (Persero) with a maximum value of Rp. 20 million and a maximum cost of treating injuries of Rp. 10 million. If the cost of treatment exceeds the provisions, the second guarantor, namely Employment BPJS and or Jamkesda, will guarantee the excess. Obstacles in the implementation of health insurance for traffic accident victims at the Tgk Chik Ditiro Hospital, namely that the community does not know the scope of the coverage covered by PT. Jasa Raharja, the ability to coordinate with work partners is not evenly distributed and external constraints in correspondence, obstacles in handling Police Reports (LP) which require sufficient witnesses. Suggestion, PT. Jasa Raharja (Persero) is even more active in outreach to the public in providing information regarding the process of submitting insurance claims, because there are still many people in the area who do not know how the process is carried out in the event of an accident, and there are still many people who do not dare to report to PT. Jasa Raharja (Persero) The RSUD should improve services to the community, especially to patients who are victims of traffic accidents. It is hoped that related parties will continue to increase cooperation with other related parties, such as the local Police Traffic Unit and the local Transportation Service in efforts to prevent and overcome traffic accidents on the highway.

Keywords: Implementation, Assurance, Health, Victims and Traffic

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