Safira Safira, Anwar Anwar


The background of the problem in this study, the lack of community empowerment can lead to community poverty, so that many people still use uninhabitable houses so a rehabilitation program is needed. The formulation of the problem in this research is how the effectiveness of the assistance program for the rehabilitation of uninhabitable houses in Simpang Tiga District, Pidie Regency, and what are the factors that influence the implementation of the rehabilitation of uninhabitable houses in Simpang Tiga District, Pidie Regency? The purpose of this study was to determine the effectiveness of the rehabilitation assistance program for uninhabitable houses in Simpang Tiga District, Pidie Regency. To find out the factors that influence the implementation of rehabilitation of uninhabitable houses in Simpang Tiga District, Pidie Regency. This research method is descriptive qualitative which aims to provide a clear picture of the effectiveness of the implementation of the rehabilitation program for uninhabitable houses, Simpang Tiga District, Pidie Regency. The results of this study indicate that the effectiveness of the assistance program for the rehabilitation of uninhabitable houses in Simpang Tiga District, Pidie Regency, is the program's success, target success, program satisfaction, and achievement of overall goals. The success of the program has not been implemented properly, because there are several obstacles, namely the conditions that must be met by prospective program recipients regarding ownership of land certificates. Factors influencing the implementation of the rehabilitation of uninhabitable houses in Simpang Tiga District, Pidie Regency include human resources, funding sources, program monitoring. Human Resources (HR) in the RTLH program run effectively and there are manpower constraints so that the achievement of targets set each year is not carried out in their entirety, this is the problem so that targets are not achieved in previous years. It is suggested that the Pidie District Social Service can provide more intense and better socialization, program objectives, overall program objectives, and program satisfaction to the community so that the desired program can be achieved optimally. To the Head of the Simpang Tiga Subdistrict Head, please cooperate with all Keuchiks to find out in more detail every citizen who needs the assistance in question. And also as the District Head so that he can facilitate everything that is a requirement for obtaining this assistance and for the people who receive assistance from this program so that they can take care of the houses that have been repaired by the government. And those who have not received this program so that they can fulfill the requirements as beneficiaries.



Keywords: Effectiveness, Rehabilitation, Houses, and Livable

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