Tri Murwaningsih, Wiedy Murtini, Nur Rahmi Akbarini, Susantiningrum Susantiningrum, Hery Sawiji


This research aims to identify the implementation of entrepreneurship learning in Vocational High Schools in Surakarta City area, particularly in new normal era following Covid-19 pandemic impacting all aspects of life. The research method employed as descriptive qualitative. The descriptive qualitative research method was chosen to get in-depth data. This method is compatible to this research because it tries to find description on something and thereby the phenomenon can be revealed clearly and accurately. The participants of the research consisted of 20 entrepreneurship teachers in 6 at business and management program of Vocational High School in Surakarta City, Central Java. Data collection was conducted through literature study, questionnaire, and FGD. Then, the data obtained was classified and processed. Data validating technique used was triangulation. Technique of analyzing data used in this research was Miles and Huberman’s interactive technique of analysis encompassing: data condensation, data display, conclusion drawing and verification. The result of research showed that entrepreneurship learning in Business and Management program of Vocational High Schools in Surakarta City has followed Dick and Carey’s learning design procedure and based on the questionnaire distributed, it can be found the lowest score (69.64%) in the stage of developing and selecting instruction. This finding is noteworthy for the teachers to keep developing their soft skill in developing teaching material, media, and learning model corresponding to the existing development.

Keywords: entrepreneurship, vocational high school, new normal

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