Cut Italina, Muhammad Jamil, Junaidi Junaidi, Vella Ozia Putri


Writing this carried out at PT. Sigli Branch Sharia Pawnshop with object customer and subject research is Creativity, System Information and Marketing Performance, retrieval sample conducted with formula Solvin sampling as many as 90 customers, data processing is carried out with equipment analysis multiple Linear regression to two variable that is variable independent (Creativity and Systems Information) against variable dependent ie marketing performance. From testing data analysis is carried out, then the output data is generated with testing multiple linear regression that exists influence in a manner simultaneous Among variable Creativity, System Information on Marketing Performance on decisions purchases at PT. Sigli Branch Sharia Pawnshop where Fcount > Ftable with score Fcount of 124,483 meanwhile Ftable of 2.2.705. When seen from testing in a manner Partial or testing regression coefficients that partially value _ tcount > ttable that is score variable Creativity 5649, and value System Information of 5,812 meanwhile score t table amounted to 1,986 on the level significance < 0.5 then with thereby accept hypothesis alternative with reject hypothesis zero

Keywords: Creativity, System Marketing Information and Performance

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