The Influence Of Reward And Individual Character On Employee Performance At Jabal Ghafur Sigli University

Fakhrurrazi Fakhrurrazi, Evi Maulida Yanti, Muhammad Raihan


The purpose of this study is to determine the degree to which personal traits and rewards have an impact on employee performance at the University of Jabal Ghafur Sigli. The researchers used complete sampling to collect data from 56 respondents as samples. After passing several of the necessary tests, the author draws the conclusion that this study confirms the ha hypothesis and rejects the ho hypothesis based on the findings of various statistical tests and test summaries. The F-count was 8.404 with a probability level of 0.001 based on statistical calculations performed using the SPSS version 21.0 program and described in Table 4-15 above. The F-table, however, is 3.162. since there is a significantly lower likelihood than 0.05. 8.404 F-count > F-table (3.162), This study accepts the Ha hypothesis and rejects the Ho hypothesis, which means that the incentive variable and individual characteristics combined strongly explain the employee performance variable. In this study, the individual characteristic variable, with a t-count value of 2.327 and a t-table value of 2.003, has a more dominant influence than the reward variable. The employee performance variable at Jabal Ghafur Sigli University may be partially influenced by the individual characteristic variable, according to the value of the t-count t-table (2.327 > 2.003) with a probability of 0.024.

Keywords: Employee Performance, Individual Characteristic, and Reward

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